Be Prepared: Eagle Scout Digs In

An Eagle Scout is always prepared– especially in the face of climate change.

Last month, Eagle Scout Wesley Wu worked with me, TreePeople’s Service Learning Manager and Youth Leader Specialist of Environmental Education, and a group of his peers to care for our park.

Enjoli, opening up the morning with the volunteers.

Wesley lead by example using his Eagle Scout training to rally over 40 students from six different schools across LA County to support one of our city’s most valuable resources– our trees. At the tree care and trail restoration event he organized, he opened up the morning to instill his fellow volunteers with the importance of tree care and demonstrated the proper planting techniques.

The event went off without a hitch! The students spent the morning rebuilding and mulching barriers around the base of our trees. The kids also restored more than 500 feet of our park’s Oak Mesa Trail and gave 24 struggling Coast Live Oaks a deep watering.

The strength we all felt in the community was contagious. Wesley and the volunteers ended the event in the classic TreePeople way– circling up to give thanks back to the Earth.

I’m so honored to be in the position to inspire young people to care for our local ecosystem and to help them develop the leadership to green their own schools and communities.  

If you are interested in organizing a tree care event, The Youth Leadership program will be launching a Summer Tree Care Program this summer from June 26th – August 7th. We can support your group with onsite tree care trainings and tools for your event. Contact me at for more info!

By Enjoli Ferrari

Enjoli Ferrari is the Youth Leadership Manager of Environmental Education. She works with campus EcoClubs and groups of students interested in making environmental change. Enjoli joined TreePeople in 2012 as an Eco-educator, guiding students on tours that encourage environmental awareness. Now you can find her on campus supporting Eco-clubs with goal setting, project development and greening projects. When she’s not on sight, she enjoys arboriculture, creating new recipes and traveling.